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Eco Energy
Blockchain Solutions

Smart, predictive crypto mining

In the internet of value age, Blockchain technology enables disintermediated, peer-to-peer exchanges of any sort of value, be it data, money, stocks, property deeds, digital royalties and more.

About Us

We are the one-stop-shop for blockchain services turn-key operations, offering a complete palette of services and solutions to enable companies to profitably invest in blockchain powered ecosystems.

Our customers are granted access to high level technologies, infrastructures, expertise and professional know-how – the same that we leverage to run our own core operations.

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Sharing knowledge and experience

E2BS, by taking care of all aspects related to crypto mining is an enabler for anyone seeking to exploit the opportunities in decentralised ecosystems.

E2BS provides access to the same technologies, infrastructures, experiences, knowledge and professional services (technical, financial, legal and administrative) that E2BS uses to run it’s own core operations.

The palette of services and solutions offered by E2BS ranges from individual services, to turn-key mining enabler up to fully managed services for mining operations (PoW, PoS).

Eco Energy Blockchain Solutions blends blockchain, technology, cybersecurity, finance and business knowledge to offer smart, predictive and sustainable services in the decentralized economy.



We leverage advanced software and machine learning competences to optimize our processes and maximize results for our stakeholders.

Thanks to our algorithmic approach, we are able to dynamically reallocate computing and financial resources every minute, thus ensuring the highest effectiveness with the lowest possible power consumption.

At Eco Energy Blockchain Solutions, we commit to the most profitable contribution to decentralized systems.


We use Artificial Intelligence tools to forecast upcoming crypto trends and turn data into actionable information. We mine where anyone else has not arrived yet.

At Eco Energy Blockchain Solutions, we don’t follow, but move one step ahead.


Our mining factories use 100% green and renewable energy, as they are located in modern and efficient hydroelectric and windfarm plants.

But there’s more. A unique combined cycle process allows us to reuse up to 80% of the power our servers consume by recovering the generated heat.

At Eco Energy Blockchain Solutions, we are far beyond zero carbon footprint

Swiss guaranteed

We are headquartered in Switzerland with operations in Switzerland and Germany. We take advantage of a clear and stable regulatory framework and a nurturing entrepreneurial culture, where we are encouraged to apply straight-arrow business conduct practices while creating value for our community.

At Eco Energy Blockchain Solutions, compliance and transparency always come first.


Our Services


Mining 2.0

Although conceptualized more than ten years ago, blockchain is such a transformative and disruptive technology that it can be difficult to understand its potential business models, and how to monetize related investments.

At its core, blockchain allows individuals and organizations to interact over a peer-to-peer network without any intermediary. Being based on a precise consensus model, strong cryptography and a distributed ledger, the chain is transparent, immutable, and intrinsically secure, assuring complete decentralization and disintermediation.

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How to monitor and control mining operations? How to track the real-time performance crypto investment? How to take the best possible decisions to maximize returns of crypto assets?

NimbleMine is E2BS’ renowned solution to consistently manage crypto operations and assets.

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Contact us today to discuss your next crypto investment

Looking for a trusted partner to explore blockchain and crypto mining?

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